Backwoods Creepy - Strange Encounters in the Forest

Episode 16 - Woman in the Woods/The Black Truck

Episode Notes

Episode Notes

Our tales for today are...

Woman in the Woods - Death as they say, comes to us all. There’s no way around it, but if you find one let me know! What happens when we die is maybe THE question of our species. The biggest downside of being conscious, sentient beings is knowing that the sweet reprieve of life must eventually come to an end and what happens after is beyond our understanding. Some believe we just simply become worm food. Some say heaven or hell, Elysium, Valhalla or reincarnation and some say nothing at all happens, we simply cease to exist. Mere blips of energy that twinkle for a breath and then extinguish forever. But maybe it's something even simpler than cosmic energy transference or heavenly relocation. Maybe if we really liked ice cream we end up hanging out forever at a DQ or if we had a favorite watering hole we may just saddle up and watch patrons enjoy their suds and peanuts for the rest of eternity. Of course, I’m in no rush to find out one way or the other...deleted OP


The Black Truck - Stranger danger. If you are a child of the 80’s or 90’s you remember this little mantra well, like stop drop and roll it was drilled into your little developing mind as a warning of the utmost importance. But like the warning about fire, stranger danger ages out. As you get older you understand how to handle fire safely and what not to do with matches, ie play with them. Likewise you take it for granted that you are big and adult and stranger danger is for kids. Vulnerable little ones that could be nabbed by a creep in a van. Silly children that could be tricked or convinced to go for a walk into the woods. But just as adults light themselves on fire all the time, strangers don't stop being dangerous just because you get older… deleted OP


Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,

• Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.

• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.

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Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library