Backwoods Creepy - Strange Encounters in the Forest

Episode 20 - Lonely Road

Episode Notes

Our tales for today are...

Lonely Road - You know the feeling. It’s late, you’ve been driving all day and into the night. Your vision is blurry, all the dash lights are fuzzy and the oncoming headlights have halos. You’re in the boonies, the ass end of nowhere trying to find a friend's cabin or beach house or your significant other found an AirBNB that they just had to get even though it's way off the grid. Obviously you have no service and so the little blue dot on the map that is supposed to be you keeps getting redirected to the fastest possible route that seemingly goes off the map. You find a quiet little street that goes to some kind of public park or beach. It’s empty save for the squat, square community use building that has those lights over the bathroom entrances that are always on. They give off a surprisingly creepy orange white glow, neither inviting nor particularly safe looking, almost clinical. You pull up tight to the curb and throw it in park. You flick your headlights off and try to get your bearings, runners on, engine humming. Sitting there in the dark you try to plan your next move and let your brain and eyes rest for a second. You never think for a second how creepy you must look from the outside… Posted by Eric-710

Thanks for coming back to our little audio campfire. We are about to kick off another week with some weird and creepy stuff from the treeline. But first, some quick housekeeping,

• Please rate/review/subscribe it helps the show get more listeners which helps us get more content out which helps you guys pass that commute a little bit quicker.

• If you have a story to tell, something that happened to you and you just can’t explain it, send it to Even if you aren’t sure about writing it yourself still email us and we can work on telling your story together.

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Music and SFX - A Hand In The Dark by Underbelly and Ty Mayer courtesy of YouTube Free Studio Library